Que onda Primxs ?! this week Primo Fredie is out but Kevin @kevingarcia_com & Elia @spicedeliastrations are holding it down . We have the amazing duo from Comic Cartel the team behind COYWOLF @coywolfcomic Gabriel Hernandez & Robert Arista @bertarista . They discuss the origins of the team and of their heroine Canelita's #nativeroots and how representation of #nativelatinos & #nativeamericans is much needed.
**Don't forget "I have an Inkling" is still live on #kickstarter lets help make this happen for our Prima Elia- search Eliamaria on kickstarter
Music Provided by Sin Color @sincolormusic
intro : "La siguanaba"
break: "Limonada"
credits: "Frutas"
#latinxpodcast #latinopodcast #latinepodcast #nativestories #nativecomicbooks #latinocomicbooks #txcomicbooks #dallastx #austintx #indie #indiecomics #indiecomicbooks