Que onda Primxs!? we are back this week with more fandom , and a returning guest @henryjbarajas writer of the upcoming @chispacomics Gila Girl! a Latine Super hero with the powers of a Gilamonster, we also geek out over #ninjaturtles, #gilthorp and Henrys new 90's music themed #cocktail book. Its a huge show filled to the gills . watch on #youtube #spotify and listen on any #podcast platform . #itunes #amazon. As always share with your Primxs and we'll see you next time .
Music: Provided by @sincolormusic #sincolor intro, and break: "La Siguanaba written and performed by @sincolormusic
Outro : "Frutas" written and performed by @sincolormusic
sample of "Messy" by @lolayounggg #lolayoung #henrybarajas #indiecomics #chispacomics #popculture #geek #latinxpodcast #podcastlatino #comicbooks #cocktails #90s